New! Upload Your Documents to the MSS Portal

New at BCERS! Staying safe online is more important than ever. To protect your personal identifying information, we have created a secure upload procedure for you to submit documents to ERS through our Member Self-Service (MSS) Portal. While this may seem like a longer process than simply attaching and emailing your documents, the consequences of having your information potentially fall into the hands of bad actors could be detrimental.

When you click ‘Send’ on an email, it travels through a few ‘hubs’ before reaching its destination. Hackers and other bad actors could intercept your emails at any point between the sending device and its destination. Using our secure upload allows you to connect directly to our server to submit your files so that your information remains protected. The upload feature is available now in the MSS Portal. Please view the instructions to upload your documents on the Self-Service Instructions page.